Synopsis of the workshop conducted by ex-head teacher Lekha Merchant on 17th April 2019 topic ( progressive parenting ).

Lekha Merchant started off by asking the parents, why they had chosen Saifee nursery as a school for their children. Some of the parents said that they liked the non-structured set up, some said -the free play and some said that Saifee was the only nursery school that took children after they had completed two years and six months of age.

She congratulated them for having chosen wisely. She talked about the two very salient features on which the entire Saifee philosophy was based and how the parents could also follow it at home.

She said that everybody at Saifee looks at learning as a natural process. The teachers at Saifee don’t really teach anything but facilitate natural learning. All children are born curious and this natural curiosity fuels learning. She reminded the parents about their children who at this stage must be wanting to touch anything they see, putting things into their mouths etc to make sense of the world around them. They are little explorers and this curiosity must not be curbed. It is up to us adults to create that safe environment at home where our little ones can explore. Strapping the children in a high chair, pram etc, for a great length of time is not a good idea. They need the freedom to crawl, roll, tumble, run, jump etc. Movement is an essential component of natural learning. Children develop both physically and mentally with this kind of movement. The children’s bones are growing at this stage. So all they really need is nutritious food, enough sleep, sunshine and ample space to move about. Enrolling them into playschools and activity classes at this stage is not a great idea because their bodies are not ready to follow a strict regimen. Moreover they cannot sit in one place for even a short period of time. They would rather move around and explore their surroundings. They feel very reassured by the gentle presence of their mother or caregiver. They love to hear the same song or lullaby over and over again because it is very reassuring for them.

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Sometimes we kill the children’s joy of learning by giving them too much information. In this day and age, we have to really work hard at keeping our lives and our children’s lives simple. It really pays in the long run. We let children discover things for themselves and make them active learners. It’s a common sight to see children at Saifee going to the water tap with a sieve for filling water. None of the teachers stop them from doing this. The children eventually themselves realise that all the water is going through the sieve and they then find a suitable container. They have figured out something by themselves. Now think what this does to their self-esteem and compare the quality of this self-esteem with the self-esteem that feeds on praise from others. At Saifee, we don’t praise the children unnecessarily. We believe in developing a robust sense of self-esteem rather than brash confidence.

The second salient feature of Saifee philosophy is holistic development. We look at the children’s physical, mental, emotional, social and spiritual growth. This holistic development is not possible without the cooperation of you parents. You play a very big part in the holistic development of your child.

You must keep your children totally away from electronic screens as much as possible. Exposure to electronic screens hampers the development of your children’s physical and cognitive abilities. Their language development and social development also takes a back seat. Autism amongst children is on the rise today because of early and over exposure to electronic screens. This is totally under your control at home and you must not give in. You yourself may have to give up watching TV at home while your child is awake .Academics, the learning of alphabets and numbers come much later .We have to bring up our toddlers together with sound bodies and minds first. We are really looking forward to having your children at Saifee next term.